AM CAN UKC CH M&M's Rocky Thunder Of Brookfield (Rocky)
- Sex: Male
- Date of Birth: August 2nd, 1998
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- Sire: AM/CAN/Inter. CH. Glenwood The Herdsman
- Dam: Kandisweet Creative Stitchry
- Owner: Christine Elliott & Tori Meacham
AM/CAN/UKC CH. M&M's Rocky Thunder Of Brookfield was a very well rounded moderate boy at 15 1/2 inches tall and a full littermate to His Brother Coal. Rocky was a slow to mature boy, but once he was ready to show he proved his worth with up and beyond majors to finish his American Championship! He has a true 4 point top skull a full stove pipe muzzle. Rocky was loved by many that saw him both temperament and conformation! Rocky lived a healthy long life to the age of 12. He was my Rocky Doodles, Rocky Bow Boa, Rocky Fontan , Rocky BoWinkle and the Doodler.... He came to all his nick names! Especially when it came to a snuggie with Mom, Go play Ball or his favorite cookies! Dont think there were to many he didnt like :)
To print Rocky's pedigree , Click Here