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Goldenhylites Tori Tornado (9 pts) ("Tori")
Goldenhylites Tori Tornado (9 pts) ("Tori")
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Can Ch Willowcove's Its Just A Rumor ROMC
Can Ch Highledge Irish Cream ROMC
Highledge Talkin' Tradition
Am GCHB Can GCH GoldenHylite's The X Factor
Am Can Ch Reinmaur's Firecracker ROMC
Can Ch Goldenhylite's Ms Adventure
Can Ch Goldenhylite's Allee Gator
Goldenhylite's The Maverick
Can Ch Highledge Irish Cream ROMC
Can Ch Reinmaur's Firefighter
Can Ch Goldenhylite Reinmaur Lil Star
Am GCHS Can GCH Goldenhylite's Taylor Swift
Am Can Ch Reinmaur's Firecracker ROMC
Can Ch Goldenhylite's Ms Adventure
Can Ch Goldenhylite's Allee Gator
Goldenhylites Tori Tornado (9 pts) ("Tori")
Am GCHB Can GCH GoldenHylite's The X Factor
Can GCH Goldenhylite's The Maverick
Am GCHS Can GCH Goldenhylite's Taylor Swift
Can GCH Goldenhylite's The Deliverance
Can Ch Goldenhylite's Hawaii Five O
Goldenhylite's Panda Bear
Can GCH Goldenhylite's Opening Night
Goldenhylite's Alegretta
BISS Am GCH Solange Surround Sound ROM ROMC
BISS Am GCH Can Ch Barwood Sound Sensation ROM
Am Ch Barwoods Imagination ROM
Can Ch Golden Hylite's Coral Reef
Am GCHB Can GCH GoldenHylite's The X Factor
Goldenhylite's Shannon's Crushin' It
Am GCHS Can GCH Goldenhylite's Taylor Swift