Milanro Kimari (Kimari)

Milanro Kimari (Kimari)

Milanro Kimari came to us from the very generous Swartz Family in Frankfort, South Africa at the tender age of 10 weeks old. She cam off the plane full of kisses and acted if shes never known a stranger. From a very yooung age Kimari has been a ambassador for her breed by going to a lot of public places and dog shows to be shown off of coarse but most of all to educate the public about this amazing breed! Kimari is very loyal to her family and affectionate to her Human Mommy. Never leaving my side and sleeping ever so still in bed with me after 2 back surgeries! Kimari is so very gentle with the families children and watches over them with a intensity. Kimari will be appraised this fall of 2018. Normally Boerboels are appraised at 18-24 months old, but circumstances to attend these few and far between appraisals here in the Northern American States did not happen in the time frame we would have rather had her done. Please check back this fall for her appraisal scores from SABBS (South Africa Boerboels Breeders Society) and the NABBA (North American Boerboel Breeders Association) Clubs. We have a FANTASIC breeding planned for Kimari so check back for updates on this very exciting match with Danny Batchelders boy Next-Level Jake, "Kane" , 92.3% NABBA.